Sabaiaren formak (Shapes in the ceiling)

Kaleko giroa (Street mood)

Aldare zuria (White altar)

Harrizko horma (Stone wall)

Ate koloretsuak (Colourful doors)

Hiri bat lanbro artean (A city in the fog)

Egunon Bristol (Good morning Bristol)

Ilunabarra enparantzan igarotzen (Spending the afternoon in the city square)

Kaleko argipean (Under the street lights)

Uretako isladak (Reflections on the water)

Horman margotutako iragarkia (The advertisement painted in the wall)

Emango dugu arratsaldeko argipean bueltatxoa? (Are we having a walk in the evening light?)

Flotagailuak (Floats)

Etxe berdea (The green house)

Hormako iragarkia (Wall advertisement)

Kale gurutzea (street crossing)

Pasabidea (Passage)

Arratsalde partean erdigunean (Afternoon in the city centre)

Etxe hori eta gorriak (Yellow and red houses)

Horma zuria eta ate urdina (White wall and blue door)