Sabaia koloretsua (Colourful ceiling)

Katedrale barneko koloreak (Colours inside the cathedral)

Sabaia (Ceiling)

Pareta koloretsua (Colourful wall)

Kandelen argia (Light of the candles)

Kale kantoia (Street corner)

Bi begi (Two eyes)

Mendi herria (Alpine town)

Kale nagusia (Main street)

Muino gaineko etxaldea (The farm on top of the hill)

Egun lanbrotsua (Cloudy day)

Horma zuria (White wall)

Argitan eta ilunpean (Light and dark)

Gurutzea (The cross)

Argiz beterik (Full of light)

Enparantza (Square)

Eliz barneko margoak (The paintings of the church)

Altziprea (Cypress)

Gurutzea (A cross)

Kanpain dorrea, negua (Bell tower, winter)