Itsaso izoztua (Frozen sea)

Kaia izotzean bildurik (harbor covered by ice)

Eguzki sartzea (Sunset)

Kanpain dorrea (Bell tower)

Elizaren teilatua eta dorrea (Roof and tower of the church)

Mahaia (Table)


Puxika eta mutikoa (The boy and the balloon)

Itsasargia (Lighthouse)

Ornamendua (Decoration)

Beirakia (Coloured glass)

Leihoaren egitura (The structure of the window)

Alfonbra zoragarria (Marvelous carpet)

Leihoa (Window)

Egongelako mundu-bola (A globe in the living room)

Labar arteko herria (A town between cliffs)

Bide zaharra (Old track)

Etxe laranja (Orange house)

Itsaso gaineko herria (The town over the sea)

Eskilaran gora (Up through the stairs)

Geltokia (The station)