Loreak (Flowers)

Kafearen hondarrak (Rests of the coffee)

Tutuak (Pipes)

Töölö (Finlandia)

Eskultura (Sculpture)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Zimeldua (Fading beauty)

Kartetan jolasteko mahaia (A table to play cards)

Leihotiko argia (The light from the window)

Iturria (Fountain)

Sabaia koloretsua (Colourful ceiling)

Txirrindula ate aurrean (A bicycle in front of the door)

Pareta koloretsua (Colourful wall)

Kandelen argia (Light of the candles)

Txirrindula ate aurrean (A bicycle in front of the door)

Pailasoaren estatua (The statue of the clown)

Edalontzia (Glass)

Behiak (Cows)

Txoria (The bird)

Horma zuria (White wall)

Gurutzea (The cross)

Irudia (Painting)