Kategoria: Bidaiean (On the road)
Eireko baserrian zehar bidaiean (Travelling through Eire)
Leihotiko begirada (Glance through the window)
Mendietan behera (Down the mountains)
Mendi harana (Mountain valley)
Bidaiean, lauso (On travel, blurry)
Kotoizko hodeiak eta larre berdeak (Cotton clouds and green fields)
Egun polita bidaitzeko (Good day for travelling)
Leihotik ikusmiran (Looking through the window)
Abstraktua, bidaiean (Traveling abstract revisited)
Arratsaldeko argipean (Evening, going home)
Noiz helduko gara? (When are we arriving?)
Hiria lotara doa (The city goes sleeping)
Treneko leihotik so (Looking through the train window) 5
Treneko leihotik so (Looking through the train window) 3
Treneko leihotik so (Looking through the train window) 2
Treneko leihotik so (Looking through the window)
Oroipenak trenean (Train travel)
Goiz argia (Morning light)
Sentimen zuriak (White emotions)
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