Treneko leihotik begira (Looking from the train window)

Leihotiko ikuspegia (View from the window)

Negu errepidea (Winter road)

Bidean (On the road)

Abiadura limiteak (Speed limits)

Untziaren arrastoa (The track of the boat)

Arratsaldearen azken momentuak (Late afternoon)

Abeletxe (Farm)

Arratsaldea (Afternoon)

Helduera kostaldera (Arrival to the coast)

Bidean (On the road)

Mendiei begira (Looking at the mountains)

Euri tantak (Rain drops)

Errepide bakartia (Solitary road)

Koloretsu eta lauso (Colourful and blurry)

Olio margoa tankerakoa (Resembling oil painting)

Zerua eta zelaien artean (Between sky and fields)

Bidean (On the road)

Ibai ahoa (River mouth)

Landak (Countryside)