Etxe laranja (Orange house)

Itsaso gaineko herria (The town over the sea)

Lurrera heltzen (Arriving to the coast)

Berotik babestua (Protected from heat)

Jendez lepo (Crowd)

Leihoak (Windows)

Kairako sarrera (Entrance to the harbour)

Alboko jatetxea (The restaurant nearby)

Uda beroa izan da, bereziki arratsaldean (The summer was hot, specially in the afternoon)


Mendien eta itsasoaren artean herria (A town between the mountains and the sea)

Eskegitako izarak (Bed linen)

Gaueko ikuspegia (Night view)

Portua (Harbour)

Alde zaharra (Old city)

Goitiko begirada (Upper view)

Gorako eskilarak (Upwards stairs)

Aurrealdea leihoekin (Facade with windows)

Elizaren sarreran (In the entrance of the church)

Goiz pasa (Spending the morning)

Hurrengo goiza (Next morning)