Haranaren koloreak (Colours of the valley)

Kolore berdea nagusi (Green coloured)

Mendi hegia (Mountain slope)

Ur-jauzia, indarra (Wild water fall)

Elur tontorrak (Snowy mountains)

Arrosak (Roses)

Loreak (Flowers)

Lore txuria (White flower)

Udako loreak (Summer flowers)

Lorea (Flower)

Euriaren ondoren (After the rain)

Ibaiaren pasalekua (River gap)

Eserlekua (seat)

Zimeldua (Fading beauty)

Eguerdiko eguzkia (Noon sun)

Haizearekin dantzan (Dancing with the wind)

Itsas ondoko muinoak (The hills near the sea)

Mendi gaineko auzoa (The neighborhood in the mountains)

Mendiak (Mountains)

Itsaso urdina (Blue sea)