Haizearekin dantzan (Dancing with the wind)

Itsas ondoko muinoak (The hills near the sea)

Mendi gaineko auzoa (The neighborhood in the mountains)

Mendiak (Mountains)

Itsaso urdina (Blue sea)

Labarra (The cliff)

Zerumugaraino ura (All water till the horizon)

Zerumugari begira (Looking towards the horizon)

Uraren egitura (Texture of the water)

Ur urdin eta aparduna (Blue and frothy water)

Pinu basoa (Pine tree forest)

Behiak etxera bueltan (Cows going back home)

Muino gaineko etxaldea (The farm on top of the hill)

Errekastoa (The brook)

Bazkal ostea (After lunch)

Behiak (Cows)

Zelai loretsua (Field with flowers)

Larra eta loreak (Field and flowers)

Enbor luzeak (Long trunks)

Eguzki argia basoan barrena (Sun light coming through the forest)