Meandroa (Meander)

Laku izoztua (Frozen lake)


Baso elurtua (Forest in snow)

Urkiak lanbroan (Birches in the fog)

Elur paisaia kolorean (Snowy landscape in colours)

Zuri beltzeko bertsioa ikusgai hemen / The B&W version was previously posted here

Mendi gaina (Mountain top)

Eguzki sartzea (Sunset)

Pagadia (The beech forest)

Arbola biluziak (Naked trees)

Arratsaldeko eguzkiaren laztanak (The hug of the afternoon sun)

Natura gorri (Natura turned red)

Pinua (Pine tree)

Baserri landa (Rural landscape)

Bidegurutzea (Crossing)

Pinu altua (Tall pine tree)

Leihoaren egitura (The structure of the window)

Masusta gorria (Red berry)

Irak (Ferns)

Lurra (Soil)

Errepidearen bihurgunea (The turn of the road)