Zuhaitz bat zeruetara begira (A tree looking to the sky)

Lainoek iragazitako argia (Light filtered by the clouds)

Elurretako bideak (Tracks in the snow)

Mendi ertz izoztua (Frozen mountain edge)

Arrokaren latza (Roughness of the wall)

Kotoizko hodeiak (Cotton clouds)

Arroka, izotza eta glaziarea (Rock, ice and glaciers)

Izotza nagusi (Frozen landscape)

Glaziarraren bidea (The way of the glacier)

Arrakalak izotzan (Cracks in the ice)

Arrokazko horma (Wall of rock)

Harri eta izotzan zizelkatutako mendi gaina (Summit sculptured in rock and ice)

Mendi paisaia Araban (Mountain landscape)

Gauak dena aldatzen du (The night changes everything)

Udak idortutako landareak (Plants dried by the Summer)

Harrizko pareta (Stone wall)

Pinu biluzia (Naked pine tree)

Haizea ari du (Wind blows)

Pasabide zirraragarria Ebenalpen (Thrilling passage)

Mendian eskegitako etxea (The house hanging from the mountain)