Goiz lanbrotsua (Foggy morning)

Hegazkinaren arrastoa (The track of the plane)

Arratsalde eguzkitsua (Sunny afternoon)

Pinudia eta udazken koloreak (Pine forest and autumn colours)

Urkidia eta landa (Birch forest and field)

Urkidia eta landa zuri-beltz (Birch forest and field B&W)

Baserri landa (Rural landscape)

Bidegurutzea (Crossing)

Pinu altua (Tall pine tree)

Irak (Ferns)

Lurra (Soil)

Errepidearen bihurgunea (The turn of the road)

Natura negurako prest dago (Nature is waiting for the winter)

Lurra (Earth)

Landa (Field)

Hodeien formak (Shapes in the clouds)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Hondartza (Beach)

Ur bazterretik (From the water line)

Landare koloretsuak ur ertzan (Colourful plants in the shore)

Sustrai hilak (Dead roots)