Pinuak (Pine trees)

Kotoizko isladak (Cotton reflections)

Hodeiak isladatuak (Reflected clouds)

Arbola biluzia zuri beltzean (Naked tree B&W)

Arbola biluzia (Naked tree)

Badia (Bay)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Udazkena dator (Autumn coming)

Zelaia, zuhaitza eta hodeiak (The field, the tree and the clouds)uds)

Herriko eliza (The church)

Elurra eta basoa (Snow and forest)

Elur pasaia (Snowy landscape)

Eguzkia noiz desagertuko den zain (Waiting for the sunset)

Arratsalde lasaia (Quiet afternoon)

Labar arteko herria (A town between cliffs)

Bidexka estua (A narrow path)

Eserlekua itzalpean (Seat in the shadow)

Baseliza (Country chapel)

Pinudia (Pine forest)

Baserria (Country house)

Abiadura limiteak (Speed limits)