Abeletxe (Farm)

Arratsaldea (Afternoon)

Mendiak eta itzalak (Mountains and shadows)

Hodeia laku gainean (The cloud over the lake)

Urrunerako begirada (Far view)

Zeru hori: Munch gogoan (The sky: Tribute to Munch)

Kostaldea (Coast line)

Itsasondoko harana (Coastal valley)

Bidean (On the road)

Mendiei begira (Looking at the mountains)

Padura (Marsh)

Aintzirako arroka (The rock in the lake)

Landa (Countryside)

Basoa, detailea (Forest, detail)

Aintzira (Lake)

Koloretsu eta lauso (Colourful and blurry)

Margotutako koadroa? (Painted canvas?)

Olio margoa tankerakoa (Resembling oil painting)

Zerua eta zelaien artean (Between sky and fields)

Gaztelu nintzen (I was a castle)