Ur-jauzia, indarra (Wild water fall)

Elur tontorrak (Snowy mountains)

Usoen ihesaldia (Fly of the pigeons)

Pasabidea (Passage)

Ur andelak (Water deposits)

Arrosak (Roses)

Adreiluzkoa (Made of brick)

Formak (Forms)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Tutuak (Pipes)

Töölö (Finlandia)

Sibeliusen oroigarria. Hodiz egindako eskultura (Sibelius monument. A sculpture made of tubes)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Lorea (Flower)

Kaia gauean (Jetty in the night)

Eserlekua (seat)

Kostaldearen irudia (Coast landscape)

Itsas ondoko muinoak (The hills near the sea)

Mendi gaineko auzoa (The neighborhood in the mountains)

Zerumugaraino ura (All water till the horizon)

Uraren egitura (Texture of the water)

Txirrindula ate aurrean (A bicycle in front of the door)

Hodei estalkia (Cloud cover)

Helsinki (Finlandia)