Hodei estalkia (Cloud cover)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Lanbroa hondartzan (Fog in the beach)

Argitan eta ilunpean (Light and dark)

Gurutzea (The cross)

Enbor luzeak (Long trunks)

Eguzki argia basoan barrena (Sun light coming through the forest)

Enparantza (Square)

Meandroa (Meander)

Treneko leihotik begira (Looking from the train window) IV

Itzala izotzean (Shadow on the ice)

Ibaia neguan (River in winter)

Laku izoztua (Frozen lake)


Baso elurtua (Forest in snow)

Kaia izotzean bildurik (harbor covered by ice)

Izotza eta lanbroa (Ice and fog)

Lantegia eta kea (Factory and smoke)

Eskegitako alkondara (hang shirt)

A shirt hung from the wall

Ornamendua (Decoration)

Egongelako mundu-bola (A globe in the living room)

Lurra (Earth)