Sustraiak (Roots)

Arbola biluzia zuri beltzean (Naked tree B&W)

Herriko eliza (The church)

Elurra eta basoa (Snow and forest)

Elur pasaia (Snowy landscape)

Baseliza (Country chapel)

Bide zaharra (Old track)

Pinudia (Pine forest)

Igoera bidea (Way up)

Geltokia (The station)

Gizona eta itsasoa (The man and the sea)

Uraren formak (Shapes in the water)

Kale estu bat udako arratsalde batean (A narrow street in a summer afternoon)

Vernazza (Italia)

Isladak (Reflections)

Arkaitza (Rock)

Mahatsondoa (Vine)

Zalduna eta gizajoa (The knight and the poor man)

Mendiak eta itzalak (Mountains and shadows)

Lantegia (Factory)

Harrizko paretak (Stone walls)