Burdinezko sugea elur artean (Iron snake in the snow)

Bernina Pass (Suitza, Svizzera)

Tren sugea zigi-zaga doa mendi gainan zehar lanbroak inguratuta. Munduan bakarrik geundela ematen zuen baina gu leihoaren bestaldeko paisaiaz soilik arduratzen ginen. The train snake crosses slowly the top of the mountain surrounded by the mist. It felt like being alone in the world, but we only cared about the view out of the window.

Trena martxan (Train on the go)

Trena martxan (Train on the go)

Brusio (Suitza, Switzerland)

Trenean bidai batean bihurguneak honelako argazkiak hartzeko toki ezin hobeak dira, eta Bernina mendirako bidean bihurguneak soberan zeuden. Zuhaitzen adarrek eta hostoek lehen planoan higitzeko sentsazio gehitzen diote irudiari. 

Travelling by train, turns are the place to take pictures like this, and in the way to the Bernina mountain turns are all over the place. The branches and the leaves of the trees in the first plane added a feeling of movement to the picture.

Tren zubirako bidean (Reaching the train bridge)

Tren zubirako bidean (Reaching the train bridge)

Brusio (Suitza, Switzerland)

Bernina mendirako bidean doa trenak. Ingeniariek soluzio irudimentsuak bilatu behar zituzten trenari aldapan gora laguntzeko. Zubi hau politenetarikoa izango da. Saia zaitez goiko ikuspegia ematen duen argazkia ikusten. Beharbada hemen.

The train goes to the Bernina mountain. The engineers had to find imaginative solutions to help the train uphill. This bridge is one of the most beautiful. Try to find an aerial view of the bridge. Like this.

Gabonetako argiak garaitik kanpo (Christmas lights out of season)

Tirano (Italia)

Azaroko egun euritsua bageneukan ere, gabonetako girorik ez zegoen. Hala ere, etxe honetan gabonetako argiak prest zeuden.

Although the day was rainy in November, there was not Christmas feeling yet. However, in this house the lights are ready to be lit.

Arrisku seinalea? (Risk signal?)

Pontresina (Suitza, Schweiz)

Amildegi parean oholezko egitura hau zegoen. Naturaren eremura gizakiak ekarritako eskultura ulergaitz baten modukoa. Urruneko mendi elurtuen aurrean, distantzien neurria ematen zidan.

This wooden structure was on the edge of the precipice. It looked like an impossible sculpture taken to the realm of Nature. It gave a sense of distance to the snowy mountains in the far.

Elurrez inguratuak (Surrounded by snow)

Elurrez inguratuak (Surrounded by snow)

Pontresina (Suitza, Schweiz)

Irudiko  bikoteak elurrez inguratua beren buruak ikusi eta eserleku bat erabili zuen paisaia hobeto ikusteko. Ibili laburra zegoen Pontresina tren geltokitik puntu honetara eta gutxi batzuk inguratu ginen elurran bidea eginez. 

The couple felt surrounded by snow and used a seat to have a vantage point of the landscape. The place is at a short walking distance from the Pontresina train station. A few of us opened a path in the snow to go there.

Elurra, lanbroa eta pinuak Alpeetan (Snow, fog and pine trees in the Alps)

Pontresina (Suitza, Schweiz)

Alpeetako udazken bukaeran elurra nonahi dago mendi goietako arroka biluzia janzten. Pinuak izan ohi dira lekuko toki hauetan. 

In the late Autumn of the Alps snow is everywhere covering the naked rocks of the summits. Typially, pine trees are the only witnesses.

Haran bati so (Looking at a valley)

Pontresina (Suitza, Svizzera)

Udazken berantiarreko elurrak harana zuriz janzten zuen. Bernina mendian gora doan trena esperientzia zoragarri bat da. Trenaren errebueltek beheko haranen ikuspegi ikusgarriak erakusten ditu. 

The snow of late Autumn dresses the valley in white. The train traveling up to the Bernina mountain is a wonderful experience. The turns of the train uncovers magnificent views of the valleys below.

Leihotiko ikuspegia (View from the window)

Leihotiko ikuspegia (View from the window)

Pontresina (Suitza, Svizzera)

Alpeetako Bernina igarobidean trena gelditzen da bidaiariak paseo bat emateko aukera izan dezaten. Inguruko mendietaz gozatzera irtetzen dira. Turistak dira gehienbat.

The train stops in the Bernina Pass and the travelers can walk in the surroundings. They enjoy the watching the Alpine landscape. They are mostly tourists.

Mendiak urdinez (Mountains in blue)

Mendiak urdinez (Mountains in blue)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Gauaren hasierak argi finarekin urdinezko margoztu zituen mendiak.

As the night began, the mountains were coloured in blue by the delicate light.

Mendiz inguratua (Surrounded by mountains)

Mendiz inguratua (Surrounded by mountains)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Walensee Suitza ekialdean dagoen mendiz inguratutako laku bat da. Alpeetako erraldoiek haraneko herriak ikusmiratzen dituzte. Gau hasieran leku bakartia eta ahaztua ematen du.

Walensee is a lake surrounded by mountains in Eastern Switzerland. The giants of the Alps observer the towns of the valley. In the early night, the place looks solitary and abandoned.

Ilargia ezkutuka (Moon hiding)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Suitzako mendialdean hartutako gau argazkia. Ilargia mendi atzetik ageri zen, ezkutuka balebil bezala. Kaleko argiak piztuak ziren jada. Zuhaitz artean eraikitiako txabola bat argiztatzen zuten.

A night photograph done in the Swiss mountains. The moon could be seen coming out from behind the mountains. The street lights were switched on. A hut appears under the lights, between the trees.

Milaneko tranbia zaharra (Old tram of Milan)

Bidegurutze bat (A crossroad)

Trafikoa Brindisiko alde zaharrean (Traffic in the old city of Brindisi)

Motorra brum-brum (Motorbike running)

Kale hutsa eta emakume bakartia (Empty street and lonely woman)

Azoka itxi eta gero (Closed market)

Kutxa hutsez betetako orgatxo bat (A cart loaded with empty boxes)

Olibondo enborra (Olive tree trunk)