Ilunabarra enparantzan igarotzen (Spending the afternoon in the city square)

Kaleko argipean (Under the street lights)

Arratsaldeko argi-kontra eta itzal luzeak (The long shadows against the light in the evening)

Uretako isladak (Reflections on the water)

Horman margotutako iragarkia (The advertisement painted in the wall)

Emango dugu arratsaldeko argipean bueltatxoa? (Are we having a walk in the evening light?)

Bikote bat azken eguzki errainuen epelean (A couple warming up under the last sun rays)

Hormako iragarkia (Wall advertisement)

Etxe zuri bakartia (A white and lonely house)

Harrizko pareta. Kale izena. Lakar (Stone wall. Street name. Rough)

Usoen ihesaldia (Fly of the pigeons)

Kale gurutzea (street crossing)

erakusleihoa eta txirrindula (shop window and bicycle)

Harrizko kalea (Street of stone)

Erakusleihoko islada (The reflection in the shop window)

Postontzi multzoa (Post boxes)

Pasabidea (Passage)

Larru denda (Fur shop)

Arratsalde partean erdigunean (Afternoon in the city centre)

Etxe hori eta gorriak (Yellow and red houses)