Trena martxan (Train on the go)

Trena martxan (Train on the go)

Brusio (Suitza, Switzerland)

Trenean bidai batean bihurguneak honelako argazkiak hartzeko toki ezin hobeak dira, eta Bernina mendirako bidean bihurguneak soberan zeuden. Zuhaitzen adarrek eta hostoek lehen planoan higitzeko sentsazio gehitzen diote irudiari. 

Travelling by train, turns are the place to take pictures like this, and in the way to the Bernina mountain turns are all over the place. The branches and the leaves of the trees in the first plane added a feeling of movement to the picture.

Tren zubirako bidean (Reaching the train bridge)

Tren zubirako bidean (Reaching the train bridge)

Brusio (Suitza, Switzerland)

Bernina mendirako bidean doa trenak. Ingeniariek soluzio irudimentsuak bilatu behar zituzten trenari aldapan gora laguntzeko. Zubi hau politenetarikoa izango da. Saia zaitez goiko ikuspegia ematen duen argazkia ikusten. Beharbada hemen.

The train goes to the Bernina mountain. The engineers had to find imaginative solutions to help the train uphill. This bridge is one of the most beautiful. Try to find an aerial view of the bridge. Like this.