Gaueko ikuspegia (Night view)

Olatuen gorabehera (Movement of the waves)

Portua (Harbour)

Mahatsondoa (Vine)

Alde zaharra (Old city)

Goitiko begirada (Upper view)

Gorako eskilarak (Upwards stairs)

Aurrealdea leihoekin (Facade with windows)

Kale koloretsua (Colourful street)

Kapera (Chapel)

Elizaren sarreran (In the entrance of the church)

Kaleko murala (Street painting)

Itsasaldearen memoria (Remembering the seaside)

Oroitikurra (Street mark)

Portu txikia (Harbour)

Kosta partean (Coast line)

Pasabidea (Track)

Hondartza eguna (Beach day)

Kolore biziak (Vivid colours)

Goiz pasa (Spending the morning)