Itsas ura kolorez blai (Colourful sea water)

Itsasoaren koloreak (Colors of the sea)

Gaueko ikuspegia (Night view)

Gorako eskilarak (Upwards stairs)

Aurrealdea leihoekin (Facade with windows)

Kale koloretsua (Colourful street)

Kolore biziak (Vivid colours)

Azkenez, gaua (Finally the night)

Zeruaren koloreak (Colors of the sky)

Arratsa eta gauaren tartean (Evening-night)

Milioka kolore (Color Burst)

Argi kolorea (Colour of light)

Arratsaldea (Afternoon)

Hiria horman (The city in the wall)

Koloretsu eta lauso (Colourful and blurry)

Gurpildun makina (Device with wheel)

Autobusean lauso (Blurry period in the bus)

Abstraktua bidean (Traveling abstract)


Kolore Biziak (Vivid colours)


Helsinki (Finlandia)

Errepidean, abstraktua (Traveling abstract)