Bidezidorra (Path)


Landa gaineko itzala (The shadow on the field)


Aldare zuria (White altar)

Trenbide baten airetiko ikuspegia (View of a railway from above)

Etxe berdea (The green house)

Txibiritak eta iratzeak (Daisies and ferns)

Haranaren koloreak (Colours of the valley)

Kolore berdea nagusi (Green coloured)

Postontzi multzoa (Post boxes)

Etxe hori eta gorriak (Yellow and red houses)

Telefonoa (Telephone)

Loreak (Flowers)

Lore txuria (White flower)

Eguerdiko eguzkia (Noon sun)

Mendiak (Mountains)

Labarra (The cliff)

Iturria (Fountain)

Errekastoa (The brook)

Elizaren teilatua eta dorrea (Roof and tower of the church)

Mendiko trena (Mountain train)