Mendi elurtua (Snowy mountain)


Mendiak zuri-beltzean (Mountains in B&W)


Mendiak, elurra eta lanbroa (Mountains, snow and fog)


Mendiz inguratutako harana (A valley surrounded by mountains)

Mendi gaina eta hodeiak (Mountain and clouds)

Ur ondoko etxaldeak (Farms near the water line)

Uretatik jaio diren mendiak (Mountains growing directly from the water)

Haranaren koloreak (Colours of the valley)

Mendi hegia (Mountain slope)

Elur tontorrak (Snowy mountains)

Mendi gaineko auzoa (The neighborhood in the mountains)

Mendiak (Mountains)

Itsaso urdina (Blue sea)

Argi-kontra (Against the light)

Eguzki sartzea (Sunset)

Mendi gaineko santutegia (Sanctuary in the top of the mountain)

Pinuen adaburuak (Top of the pine trees)

Bidexka estua (A narrow path)

Itsaso gaineko herria (The town over the sea)

Terrazak (Terraces)