Mendigain zuria (White summit)

Mendigain zuria (White summit)

Bernina Pass (Suitza, Svizzera)

Gaua hurbil zela, mendi gain agertu zitzaigun bistara. Arroka eta elurrezko eskultura bikaina benetan.

Goi mendi belardia (High mountain fields)

Goi mendi belardia (High mountain fields)

Bernina Pass (Suitza, Svizzera)

Udazken bukaerako lehenengo elurrak belardiak estaltzen ditu mendiaren goian. Arbolak faltan dira hemen. Hotzak eta haizeak ez dute amorerik ematen. The first snow of late Autumn already cover the fields near the summit. Trees are missing here. The cold and the wind do not give up here.

Arrisku seinalea? (Risk signal?)

Pontresina (Suitza, Schweiz)

Amildegi parean oholezko egitura hau zegoen. Naturaren eremura gizakiak ekarritako eskultura ulergaitz baten modukoa. Urruneko mendi elurtuen aurrean, distantzien neurria ematen zidan.

This wooden structure was on the edge of the precipice. It looked like an impossible sculpture taken to the realm of Nature. It gave a sense of distance to the snowy mountains in the far.

Elurra, lanbroa eta pinuak Alpeetan (Snow, fog and pine trees in the Alps)

Pontresina (Suitza, Schweiz)

Alpeetako udazken bukaeran elurra nonahi dago mendi goietako arroka biluzia janzten. Pinuak izan ohi dira lekuko toki hauetan. 

In the late Autumn of the Alps snow is everywhere covering the naked rocks of the summits. Typially, pine trees are the only witnesses.

Mendiak urdinez (Mountains in blue)

Mendiak urdinez (Mountains in blue)

Walensee (Suitza, Schweiz)

Gauaren hasierak argi finarekin urdinezko margoztu zituen mendiak.

As the night began, the mountains were coloured in blue by the delicate light.

Izotza nagusi (Frozen landscape)

Glaziarraren bidea (The way of the glacier)

Arrokazko horma (Wall of rock)

Harri eta izotzan zizelkatutako mendi gaina (Summit sculptured in rock and ice)

Mendi paisaia Araban (Mountain landscape)

Udak idortutako landareak (Plants dried by the Summer)

Haizea ari du (Wind blows)

Bi mendizale hizketan (Two hikers meet)

Alpeetako ikuspegia (Alpine view)


Gain elurtua Glarusen (Snowy summit in Glarus)


Vorder Glärnisch Glarusen (Glarus)


Mendi horia (Yellow mountain)


Alpeak Ticinon (Ticino Alps)


Alpeen magalean (Prealps)


Tren geltokia (Train stop)
