Arrosa petaloen detailea (Detail of rose petals)

Lore bustia (Wet flower)

Arrosaren ur tantak (Raind drops on a rose)

Argi tunela (Light tunnel)

Mahastiak Schaffhausenen (Vines)

Hegazkineko leihotik so (Looking through the plane window)

Hodei lautada (Cloud plains)

Eguzkiari agur (Good bye to the sun)

Hegoak zabalik (Flying away)

Etxea malekoiarekin (House with pier)

Paseoa malekoian (Walk in the pier)

Plaza gauez (Square at night)

Ikara dibertigarria (Funny fear)

Errusiar-mendiaren kiribuelta (Turn of the roller-coaster)

Zeruan txirristaka (Sliding in the sky)

Zurezko errusiar mendia (Wooden roller coaster)

Zaldiko-maldikoa (Carousel)

Pailazo baten estatua (Statue of a clown)

Beldurra jolas (Playing with the fear)

Dibertigarria (Amusing)