Gauak dena aldatzen du (The night changes everything)

Elorri beltzaren aranak (Berries of the blackthorn)

Herri baten iragana (Past of a town)

Denborari nekez eutsitakoa (Barely coped with the time)

Udak idortutako landareak (Plants dried by the Summer)

Denbora geldo doa hemen (Time passes slow here)

Haizea ari du (Wind blows)

Pasabide zirraragarria Ebenalpen (Thrilling passage)

Mendian eskegitako etxea (The house hanging from the mountain)

Hondartzean ibiltzeko bestelako modua (A different way of walking in the beach)

Ura, oskolak eta harea (Water, shells and sand)

Urak utzitako arrastoak (Marks left by the water)

Harean formak (Shapes in the sand)

Itsasbehera Scheveningen (Low tide in Scheveningen)

Oskola baten arrastoa (Mark of a shell)

Scheveningeneko hondartzan (The beach of Scheveningen)

Uda garaia da! (It is Summer time!)

Iragarki dorrea (Advertisement tower)

Hondartzako ibiltaria (Beach walker)

Kostako gau profila (Night profile in the coast)