Hodeiei begira (Looking at the clouds)

Arratsaldeko kafea epelean (Cosy afternoon coffee)

Izozki italiarrak Herbereetako erret-jauregirako (Italian ice creams)

Kaioa hegaz (Seagull flying)

Oskolen topografia (Topography of shells)

Egun haizetsua hondartzan (Windy day in the beach)

Hondartza etxolen ilada (Row of beach huts)

Umea hondartzan (Child in a beach)

Texel (Herbehereak)

Haizeak lehortzen uzten (Drying in the wind)

Hondartza baten zerumuga (Horizon of a beach)

Paseo bat itsasoari begira (A walk near the sea)

Kaioen hegaldia (The flight of the seagulls)

Hondartzako kioskoa (Beach kiosk)

Hondartza gauez (Night in a beach)

Kosta pasealekua (Beach walk)

Arratsaldea hondartzan (Evening in the beach)

Itzalez beteta (Full of shadows)

Haizea eta bakardadea (Wind and loneliness)

Harea pila eskaileran (Pile of sand in the stair)

Hareaz betetako txokoa (Corner full of sand)