Zerua eta ura (Sky and water)

Treneko leihotik begira (Looking from the train window) II

Argi-kontra (Against the light)

Mendi gaina (Mountain top)

Hegazkinaren arrastoa (The track of the plane)

Urkidia eta landa (Birch forest and field)

Urkidia eta landa zuri-beltz (Birch forest and field B&W)

Landa (Field)

Hodeien formak (Shapes in the clouds)

Helsinki (Finlandia)

Ur bazterretik (From the water line)

Eserlekua itzalpean (Seat in the shadow)

Arratsaldearen azken momentuak (Late afternoon)

Azkenengo argi printzak (Last light rays)

Kaleartean egun eguzkitsu batean (Street)

Enparantza (Square)

Eraikuntzen goiak (Top of the buildings)

Helduera kostaldera (Arrival to the coast)

Zeru hori: Munch gogoan (The sky: Tribute to Munch)

Errepide bakartia (Solitary road)

Koloretsu eta lauso (Colourful and blurry)